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the first emperor中文是什么意思

用"the first emperor"造句"the first emperor"怎么读"the first emperor" in a sentence


  • 荆轲刺秦王
  • 秦始皇 (歌)
  • 秦始皇之谜-discovery
  • "first"中文翻译    adj. 1.最初的,最早的。 2.最上等的,第一流的。 ...
  • "emperor"中文翻译    n. (fem. empress) 皇帝。 the Pu ...
  • "mausoleum of the first qin emperor" 中文翻译 :    秦皇陵; 秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑; 陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑
  • "the first emperor of china" 中文翻译 :    imax秦始皇
  • "emperor" 中文翻译 :    n. (fem. empress) 皇帝。 the Purple E- 深紫蝶。 n. -ship 皇帝的身份[地位,统治]。
  • "the emperor" 中文翻译 :    皇帝的新装; 皇帝之章
  • "at first" 中文翻译 :    都一心学习,首先; 起初,刚开始; 起初,最初; 起初;开始; 起初,首先; 起先,首先; 起先,最初; 起先;开始的时候; 首先,开始的时候; 首先,最初; 首先;起先; 最初,起先; 最初,首先,开始时候; 逍遥自在地
  • "first" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.最初的,最早的。 2.最上等的,第一流的。 3.基本的,概要的。 4.高音(调)的。 Judge not of men and things at first sight. 〔谚语〕对人对事慢评论,初次印象未必真。 the first coat (油漆等的)底涂,底层。 the first impression 最初印象。 the first instance 【法律】初审。 the first snow of the season 初雪。 the first train 头班车。 the first two days = 〔古语〕 the two first days 头两天。 at first hand 直接。 at first sight [blush] 乍看;一见就。 at the first opportunity 一有机会就。 for the first time 第一次。 in the first place [instance] 首先。 on the first fine day 天一晴就。 take the first opportunity 一有机会就。 the F- Commoner 〔英国〕下议院议员。 the first form 〔英国〕(中等学校的)一年级。 the first thing 〔俚语〕首先。 n. 1.最初,第一;第一位。 2.每月的第一日,一号。 3.【音乐】高音部。 4.第一等,头等,优等,甲等; 〔pl.〕一级品。 5.(棒球的)第一垒。 6.【汽车】起码[最慢]速度。 get [take] a first 考第一。 come in first 跑第一。 May (the) first = the first of May 五月一日。 at (the) first 首先。 be the first to (do) 最先…的。 from first to last 自始至终。 from the first 从头,自始。 the F- 〔英国〕九月一号〔鹧鸪开猎日〕。 adv. 1.第一,最初,首先。 2.宁可。 safety first 安全第一。 F- come, first served. 〔谚语〕先到先招待。 stand first 站在最前面。 He said he would die first. 他说他宁愿死掉(也不作那样的事)。 first and foremost 首先,第一。 first and last 总的说来。 first, midst and last 彻头彻尾,始终,一贯。 first, last and all the time 〔美国〕始终一贯,绝对。 first of all 第一,首先。 first off 首先。 first or last 〔古、罕〕早晚,迟早。
  • "first in" 中文翻译 :    最先到达火场的人员和设备
  • "on the first" 中文翻译 :    篇前待
  • "the first of the" 中文翻译 :    法; 伏忍
  • "a divine emperor" 中文翻译 :    神圣天皇
  • "amboina emperor" 中文翻译 :    安汶裸颊鲷
  • "blackspotted emperor" 中文翻译 :    黑斑裸颊鲷
  • "boss as emperor" 中文翻译 :    九五型老板
  • "chenghua emperor" 中文翻译 :    明宪宗; 朱见深
  • "children of the emperor" 中文翻译 :    帝皇之子
  • "chinese emperor" 中文翻译 :    中国皇帝
  • "chongzhen emperor" 中文翻译 :    崇祯帝; 崇祯皇帝; 明思宗; 明毅宗; 朱由检
  • "cloistered emperor" 中文翻译 :    太上法皇
  • "daoguang emperor" 中文翻译 :    道光帝; 道光皇帝; 清宣宗
  • "emperor and galilean" 中文翻译 :    皇帝与加利利人
  • "emperor and the minister" 中文翻译 :    乾隆皇君臣斗智
  • "emperor angelfish" 中文翻译 :    主刺盖鱼
  • "emperor angle" 中文翻译 :    天使鱼


  • The first emperor of qin unified china in 221 b.c .
  • Octavian became the first emperor of a new era
  • Tribe park hyokkose the first emperor of shilla
  • All this was created for , and at the command of , the first emperor
  • Thus , the bulk of the first emperors treasure , including his much - fabled elixir of youth , remained intact
  • A panorama photo of the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of the first emperor , qing shihuangdi , and other
  • At notre dame cathedral in paris , napoleon bonaparte is crowned as the first emperor of france in a thousand years
  • David : was the first emperor of the qin dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra - cotta warriors
  • When qin shihuang or the first emperor unified china in 221 bc , he decided to have the various sectio of the walls linked up and also extended . from that we got the great wall
  • When qin shihuang or the first emperor unified china in 221 bc , he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended . from that we got the great wall
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"the first emperor"造句  


The First Emperor is an opera in two acts with a libretto written in English by Tan Dun and Ha Jin, and music by Tan Dun. The opera received its premiere at the Metropolitan Opera at the Lincoln Center in New York City on 21 December 2006, conducted by the composer and with Plácido Domingo in the title role.
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